Post-Doctoral Programme in Democracy and HR


Post-Doctoral Programme in Democracy and HR

Scheluled Courses

  •  PLACE: Não presencial (exceto seminário esp. Coimbra)
  •  START DATE: 01/01/2024
  •  END DATE: 31/12/2024
  •  APPLICATION END DATE: 31/12/2024


The “Post-Doctoral Programme in Democracy and Human Rights - Law, Politics, History and Communication” is the exclusive responsibility of IGC/HRC. It is a non-degree programme which bestows a certificate, issued by IGC/HRC, with the wording “partners in Coimbra’s legal discussion” (Socii in Collatione Juridica Conimbrigensi).

The Programme aims to provide scientific research of excellence, at postdoctoral level, in the area of Democracy and Human Rights, from an interdisciplinary perspective. It was created in 2011 with the purpose of promoting internationalisation through the academic dialogue between peers as well as the intercommunication of international research networks. 

Target group

PhDs pursuing academic research at a post-doctoral level.

General objectives

O Programa de Pós-Doutoramento em Democracia e Direitos Humanos – Direito, Política, História e Comunicação visa:
- proporcionar formação especializada, ao nível do pós-doutoramento, na área da Democracia e dos Direitos Humanos, a partir de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar;
- promover a investigação de qualidade através da produção de trabalhos científicos de excelência;
- promover a internacionalização ao nível do diálogo académico entre pares;
- promover a intercomunicabilidade de redes internacionais de investigação.

Minimum requirements for participation

Academic qualifications: (requisito obrigatório)

Minimum academic degree: Doctoral Degree (PhD)


Docente a confirmar


3 250 €Exempt from VAT

Payment conditions:

Opcionalmente, pagamento em duas prestações.


This course can be held in the following cities:

  • Non presential (except seminar in Coimbra)

Other Informations

This course can be held in the following cities:

  • Non presential (except seminar in Coimbra)