

The Ius Gentium Conimbrigae (IGC) was established, in Coimbra, in 1997 and is located at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. It began its activities in 1995 as a research centre for international law and cooperation with Portuguese speaking countries. The IGC was created to study contemporary international problems and to promote research in a transdisciplinary perspective. In this effort, the Human Rights Centre (HRC) is created in 2000, becoming the first university research centre, in Portugal, in the academic field of human rights.  From this moment on, the institute is designated as Ius Gentium Conimbrigae/Human Rights Centre. The IGC/CDH is an autonomous research and postgraduate teaching institute, associated to the University of Coimbra and its Faculty of Law through institutional cooperation protocols.


The IGC/HRC dedicates special attention to research and publication activities which led to the development of a Post-doctorate Programme in Democracy and Human Rights as well as a Human Rights Studies Programme. The IGC/HRC is particularly active in academic teaching, through the organization of the Post-Graduation Course in Human Rights, including the European Master’s in Human Rights and Democratization, and the Course in Peace Operations and Humanitarian Action. The IGC/HRC also renders services, namely, training sessions and courses, consultancy and legal drafting support in the areas of Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law and Armed Conflicts. It favours working in partnership with public (government, schools, courts, etc.) and private entities (companies, associations, etc.), civilian and military, national and international.


Human rights must not be taken for granted. It is necessary to promote, protect and implement them. The IGC/CDH shares this vision. It assumes the academic commitment to undertake the study and reflection indispensable to the evolution of human rights. We pursue new research areas, remaining faithful to Human Rights Education. We are aware that, in the next years, new challenges will appear… because the promotion and respect of human rights is a never ending story!